Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal Allergies? NAET may be able to help

Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) affects between 10 and 30 percent of all adults in the U.S. and as many as 40 percent of children. There are estimates that over 60 million people in the U.S. that have symptoms of allergic rhinitis and this number is increasing.

Watery red eyes, runny nose, sneezing, coughing—these familiar symptoms mean spring is in the air. Millions of people suffer from seasonal allergies triggered by airborne pollen—not just in spring but in summer and fall, too—and now evidence suggests their numbers will rise in a changing climate according to the National Institute of Health.

Seasonal allergies in North America generally begin in spring, when trees begin to flower and disperse their allergenic pollen into the air—they include, among others, oak and birch in the South and Northeast and mountain cedar, elm and cottonwood in the West. Late spring and early summer bring the emergence of various allergenic grasses and weeds, such as mug wort and nettle, which introduces another round of symptoms. The ragweed season comes last, starting in late summer and persisting until the plants die with the first frost. A resurgence in grass pollen also occurs in early fall.

How does NAET work to help seasonal allergies?  Reprogramming the body

The human body, through our nervous system is always processing the environment to help protect us from outside dangers to maintain our survival.  Our nervous system will always classify something as “safe” or “not safe” and warn us or set off reactions in our bodies to help us avoid dangerous situations. We expect our bodies to protect us from viruses and bacteria but not normal things that occur in nature. Allergies are an abnormal reaction when the body mistakenly labels something as “not safe” when it should not be dangerous.

An NAET treatment reprograms the body to allow you to accept this environmental “energy” so your body will now recognize it as being safe. 

We call this “clearing” the allergy. Reprogramming has the advantage of being a fast therapy- it is far easier and quicker to reprogram than to de-sensitize, which has been the traditional allopathic, or medical approach. NAET has the additional advantage of being able to help treat any category of allergy, whether it is food, or pollen, or chemical, or fabrics, animals, or any other class of reaction as well.

We always offer a free consultation so you can meet with the doctor in person and have all your questions answered without any cost or obligation.  Don’t suffer every year. See how NAET can help.

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